Install node.js and npm on Windows without admin permissions

See the following links:


Based on that perform the following steps, if you cannot use the Windows installer provided by

  1. Download node.js from
  2. Put it in a separate folder and add the folder to your „path“ environment variable. Shortcut: CMD+R and enter: rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariablesOpen a new command window (CMD+R) and type node -v. This should show the current version.
  3. Download npm from github.
  4. Extract the zip folder and put it into your node.js folder
  5. For convenience put the npm.cmd aside to the node.exe
  6. Add the npm-folder to the path env variable (see step 3)
  7. Edit the npm.cmd file and change the following line SET "NPM_CLI_JS=%~dp0\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" to match the path to bin\npm-cli.js. Mind: %~dp0 expands to the path where npm.cmd resides
  8. Type npm -v to verify the installation
  9. In case your behind a proxy set the npm proxy by npm config set proxy http://user:pwd@proxy-server:port